Psalm 100: Bible Memory

Help children to memorize Psalm 100, using Bible memory pictures and a song.


Verse 1:

“Make a joyful shout unto the Lord all you lands . . .”

(NOTE: The happy megaphone reminds us of a JOYFUL SHOUT. The LORD is shown with a CROSS and the wavy ground represents “all you lands…”

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Verse 2a

Serve the Lord with gladness.

(NOTE: Part of this picture is cut off. On the left you see two hands with palms up and outstretched in service, representing “serve” — LORD is shown with a CROSS — and the happy faces represent GLADNESS). 

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Enter His presence with singing . . . 

(NOTE: The cloud with light shining out of it represents the “presence of the Lord” and we also added physical presents to help us remember this word. The music notes and the little faces with open mouths represent “singing.”)

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Verse 3a:

For the Lord He is GOD, it is He that has made us . . . 

(NOTE: LORD is show with a CROSS. And here we simply wrote the word GOD, since it’s important to remember that in verse 3, the Psalm says, “For the LORD He is GOD” and later in verse 5, it says, “For the LORD He is GOOD…”)

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. . . not we ourselves.

(Here, we’re simply showing the arrow pointing from GOD to the little guy “it is He that has made us . . . ” and and then X through the other guy, “. . . not we ourselves.”)

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We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

(As you can see, your pictures do not need to be fancy!!!)

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Verse 4a:

Enter His gates with thanksgiving  . . . 

(NOTE:  This is a gate and a picture of what we came up with for “Thanksgiving.” If I redid this, I would make a more simple Thanksgiving picture, maybe with an icon turkey.)

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Verse 4b:

And into His courts with praise.

(NOTE: when our family was thinking of a simple way to draw “courts” we came up with a basketball court)

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Verse 4c:

Be thankful unto Him and bless His name. . . 

(NOTE: the flags say “Thankful” and “Name”)

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Verse 5a

For the LORD He is good . . . 

(Our family picture for LORD is a cross. Sometimes, we simply write a word, like GOOD.)

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Verse 5b:

His mercy is everlasting . . . 

(Note: our family memory picture key for MER-CY is a “mermaid” and a “sea”)

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Verse 6:

His truth endures to all generations. 

Note: our family memory verse picture key for TRUTH is a belt (from the armor of God)

The stick figures represent grandparents, parents, kids and a baby (for all generations)

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