Meet Laura: of Missional Women

Laura Krokos is passionate about seeing God reveal His character through His Word and creation and loves seeing Him show off. She is the creator and host of where she blogs regularly.

laura-krokosShe is a social media enthusiast and is continually amazed at the potential it has to reach people for Christ. She loves her vibrant city of Denver where she lives with her husband and four kids, two of whom are adopted (and another on the way). She has been a missionary to college students for 12 years serving as the staff women’s development coordinator with Master Plan Ministries.


Laura Krokos is an author of five books including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, A Devotional Journey through Judges and Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God. Find her at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

Coming soon . . . in April, 2014, is the Missional Women’s Conference in Denver. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting mission event.

Meet Nancie-Joy — Psalm 119: Memorizing for Missions

Our friend, Nancie-Joy had a creative idea to memorize ALL of Psalm 119 to raise mission funds for an ministry outreach to help orphans in Ethiopia. She also designed a creative “mission-board” to help share the vision for her mission trip, one-on-one with friends.

Thanks for your example, Nancie-Joy! What inspiring ideas!

To listen to a Daring Daughters interview with Nancie-Joy — Click here< <

Orphan ministries Nancie-Joy worked with on her mission trip:

One Child Campaign

Bring Love In

Children’s Hope Chest:

Embracing Hope Ethiopia:

No Ordinary Love Ministries: